Safety Management Practices
Recognizing that safety is a core value of our company's management, we implement safety management through field-centered safety management practices.
Recognizing that safety is a core value of our company's management, we implement safety management through field-centered safety management practices.
To ensure 24-hour safety management, we operate a dedicated fire prevention team. We also conduct regular fire prevention drills to ensure a swift response in case of a fire. Additionally, we collaborate with public office and field employees to conduct emergency response drills in preparation for emergency situations.
We operate an Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Center that is responsible for the overall safety of the workplace. We also have dedicated safety officers for each team to implement field-based safety management.
At our company, safety is our top priority. All employees are actively involved in ensuring a safe work environment by conducting regular safety inspections and implementing continuous improvement initiatives. For high-risk tasks, we have implemented rigorous safety and health systems, including ISL (Isolation Locking System) and the Confined Space Program, to prevent accidents. Additionally, we have established the 10 Safety Core Rules, which are mandatory for all employees to follow.
Enhancing Employee Safety Awareness through Regular Safety Campaigns and Proactive On-site Safety Communication.
To ensure the safe use of chemicals, the company operates its own cleaning facilities, manages protective equipment, and conducts pipe leakage inspections.
The vendor safety management system is a system that manages safety work permits to verify the safety of subcontracted work and safety education for workers.
Hyundai Steelpipe utilizes a subcontractor safety management system to monitor the real-time entry and exit status of workers at its worksite. In case subcontracted workers identify potential hazards on-site, they can submit safety improvement proposals through the system. Upon completion of the proposed improvements, the results are shared with the proposal originator. Additionally, Hyundai Steelpipe welcomes suggestions for enhancing workplace safety through its "Safety Suggestion Box" within the Hyundai Steelpipe Safety Management System.