Fair Trade | Ethics | Sustainability | HYUNDAI STEELPIPE

Fair Trade

Ethical and Transparent Business Practices

Compliance Program

A legal compliance management system operated to ensure that a company complies with fair trade related laws.

Effects from the Introduction of CP
  • Foster a Transparent and Ethical Corporate Culture at Hyundai Motor Group
  • Prevention of Violations of Fair Trade Laws and Risk Management
  • Elevate Brand Reputation and Establish Trust
  • Enhancing competitiveness and achieving sustainable growth
  • Ensure fair trade compliance by leveraging internal governance systems to identify and address risks
  • Collaborating with the government to streamline regulations

Seven Key Factors of Compliance Program

  • Expression of Compliance Intention

    Announcement of intention by CEO using homepage, etc.

  • Designation and Operation of Compliance Manager
    • Appointment of compliance manager through Board of Directors, etc.
    • Establishment of compliance regulations and company rules
  • Preparation and Distribution of Compliance Handbook

    Create a manual suited to management environment of the company and its organizational characteristics as a detailed guideline

  • Operation of Training Program for Employees

    Perform continuous and systematic training so that the compliance system can be established in the company

  • Setup of Supervision System within the Company
    • Prevent unfair practices within the company and set up a supervision system
    • Be sure to arrange and verify with compliance manager and compliance team in implementing fair trade related tasks
  • Setup of HR Sanction System and Compliance Encouragement Awards
    • Sanctions must be in proportion to the severity of the violation of laws and repetition of unfair activities must be blocked
    • Give out awards on outstanding compliance departments and individuals
  • Setup of Document Management System
    • Assign a systematic document manager for achieving sanction reduction from the competent authorities
    • Declaration of compliance intention and documents evidencing distribution, official notice document and compliance handbook, data related to internal supervision activities
    • Data related to sanctions on the violators of law, other data reported to FTC